Sunday, March 21, 2010
Meet Zach
Zach is the inspiration for this journey. Without him, no ride across the country.
In 5 days, he will have completed SEVEN YEARS of schooling to become a Pharmacist, just like his father, John. After completing his education, Zach wanted to ride across America from coast to coast. He bicycled across Washington two years ago, and since that was easy enough, why not the country? Since 6 weeks was too long, he and his father decided on the North to South route we continue to fine tune.
Zach loves the outdoors and a new adventure, as do I. Last spring, he, his younger brother & I summitted Mt. Shasta (14,162') on a perfect day. There was no doubt as to who the leader was...Zach had everything in control, had experience and we simply followed along. This was my second time reaching the top of this mountain and it will forever be a mental highlight.
Zach is one of the most focused, dedicated and determined young men I know. While riding 78 miles yesterday, he worked hard and bonked a little near the end. He never complained or made excuses, but did the hard work to get conditioned for this 1600 mile odyssey...and averaged 19 mph.