Monday, April 5, 2010

Out Too Late


When training for an event like this, sometimes you just have to go when a window of opportunity presents itself. Such was the case last night when it finally stopped raining and the radar showed a gap in the precip before sunset. I called Ron (watch for an intro in two weeks) to see if he could join me for 30 fast miles and within 20 minutes we connected about 5 miles from our homes to ride to Gold Hill and back. The problem was it was 45 degrees and 6:15 when I left the house, 6:30 when we met and it started getting dark at our turn around point, approximately 7:15. Ron was the strongman, so I just sucked his wheel most of the way back and we ascended Old Stage Rd. faster than I believe I ever have. By 7:40 Ron put on his neon yellow jacket, turned on a taillight and we separated to head home. I had no lights, a non-reflective jacket, black tights, the temperature was 38 and when I arrived home @ 8:05, I knew I used poor judgement. When I see other cyclists riding in the dark with no lights, I call 'em an idiot. I won't make that same mistake again.

In preparation for a 1500 mile ride, I've been pedaling 50-75 miles on Saturday's at a 18-21 mph pace and logging around 150 miles per week. I feel good, but not great. Part of the training for this is mental too and I must admit, I'm not sure if I can really do this. THE RIDE itself will demand 100 miles a day, for two and a half weeks...there's no way I can train close to that.

At least I am trying, because with the kind of weather we have had here lately, it would be easy to skip a ride in the cold rain and go to a coffee shop instead.
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