Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What a Difference a Day Makes


After the debacle of yesterday, we decided to get an earlier start to beat the winds. At 7:00, Ron & I left under calm, sunny conditions and promptly cranked it up to 22mph. As per Dr. Ron Laverty's instructions, Tim left ahead of us to begin physical therapy on his knee. It took us around 12 miles to reel him in and he put in 25 successful miles at a brisk pace, furthering his hope to ride as much of these last 3 stages as possible.

At the 52 mile break, we had an average speed of just over 20mph, even with a slighly increasing headwind. There isn't much to report about the terrain, because it is mile after mile of desert. We were awestruck by the geologic formations in Red Rock Canyon (photo 3), but then it was quickly back to flat desert. I began to fade after 85 miles, but when I took this picture of Ron, he looks as spry as ever. If you ever want to bicycle across the country, here is a tip. Hire this guy...he is like a sherpa for mountaineers. He loves riding, he works hard and he encourages you along the way that you can make it.

We are camping in a forgotten RV park by the California City Airport. Average speed for the day was 17.9mph with a crosswind for a total of 106 miles and I am tired. But we are dropping into the L.A. gnarliness tomorrow and on track to finish Friday night. I think I might be able to do this...after yesterday, I wasn't so sure.
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